Hollywood Racks
F10 Elevator Rack Instructions
When using your Elevator Rack, always remember the following points:
Install this rack on structurally sound boot lids and/or bumpers only.
Never install upper hooks to plastic, glass or fiberglass.
Clean surface of the boot lid and bumper prior to installation.
Tighten all straps both before and after placing bikes on the rack.
Never place more than 45kg / 100 lbs. on the Elevator Racks.
Use at least 2 tie-down straps or shock (bungee) cords for each bike when securing bikes
to rack.
Keep bicycle tires at least 30cm away from the exhaust pipe of the vehicle.
Check the rack, bikes and strap tension regularly during use.
Drive slowly when on bumpy or dirt roads.
safety strap
3. Installing the bicycles on the F10 Elevator Rack
A. The heaviest bike should be loaded on first closest, the lightest on the outside. Place the
first bicycle on the support arms closest to the main frame (2.) of the rack. The handlebars of the
first bike should be on the passenger’ꢂ ꢂꢁde of the ꢀehꢁcle. Rotate the crank arm ꢂo that the
pedal doeꢂ not contact the ꢀehꢁcle. Thread the tꢁe down ꢂtrap (not pꢁctured) around the maꢁn
frame, and through the buckle. Tꢁghten the ꢂtrap ꢂecurely. Adjuꢂt the other tꢁe down ꢂtrap
B. Inꢂtall the 2nd bicycle with the handlebars on the opposite side of the first bicycle. Adjust
the ties down straps as per the above instructions.
C. Use the nylon safety strap (attached to the support arms) to help secure the bicycles to
the rack. This strap must be routed behind the main frame of the rack and through the bicycles.
Be sure to tighten all straps both before and after mounting bicycles on the rack! Be sure
all knobs are tight before driving the vehicle!
Tip: ꢃomen’ꢂ, chꢁldren’ꢂ and/or ꢂmall frame bꢁcycleꢂ can be mounted on the rack by placꢁng
the bꢁcycle on the ꢂupport armꢂ under the down tube and behꢁnd the ꢂeat tube (under the ꢂeat
4. Removing and storing the F10 Elevator rack:
Remove bicycles and tie down straps from the rack. Loosen the upper knobs and lower the
bicycle support arms. Lift up on the release tabs of the buckles and unhook the straps from the
bumper or rear door. Remove the rack from the vehicle. Loosen the middle knobs and fold the
rear brace forward. Looꢂen the lower knobꢂ, and fold the lower “ꢄ” frame back agaꢁnꢂt the maꢁn
frame. Tꢁghten all knobꢂ to keep the F10 Eleꢀator rack ꢁn a tꢁghtly folded poꢂꢁtꢁon untꢁl further
uꢂe ꢁꢂ requꢁred.
Limited Lifetime Warranty (effective January 1, 2008):
Hollywood Racks will warrant its car racks and accessories during the time that an original retail purchaser
owns the product subject to the exclusions and limitations of this warranty. Hollywood Racks will remedy defects in
materials and workmanship by repairing or replacing (at its option) a defective part or the complete rack without
charge for labor or parts. Hollywood Racks may elect (at its option) to issue a refund equal to the purchase price
paid for the product. This warranty does not cover problems caused by normal wear and tear including (but not
limited to) weather, scratches, dents, rust, accidents, unlawful vehicle operation, misuse, abuse, neglect, theft,
unauthorized modifications, or unauthorized repair. No warranty is given for defects resulting in incorrect assembly,
incorrect installation onto the vehicle, incorrect attachment of bicycles onto the rack, or oꢀerloadꢁng of the rack’ꢂ
weꢁght reꢂtrꢁctꢁonꢂ. Thꢁꢂ warranty termꢁnateꢂ ꢁf the orꢁgꢁnal retaꢁl purchaꢂer tranꢂferꢂ the product to any other perꢂon.
If a product ꢁꢂ belꢁeꢀed to be defectꢁꢀe, the orꢁgꢁnal retaꢁl purchaꢂer ꢂhould contact eꢁther the orꢁgꢁnal retaꢁler.
Disclaimer of Liability: Repair or replacement of a defective product or the issuance of a refund or credit (as
determined by Hollywood Racks) is a purchaꢂer’ꢂ excluꢂꢁꢀe remedy under thꢁꢂ warranty. Damage to a purchaꢂer’ꢂ
ꢀehꢁcle, cargo, bꢁcycleꢂ and or to any other perꢂon ꢁꢂ excluded. Thꢁꢂ warranty ꢁꢂ expreꢂꢂly made ꢁn lꢁeu of any and
all other expreꢂꢂ warrantꢁeꢂ, whether oral or wrꢁtten. Hollywood Rackꢂ ꢂhall not be lꢁable for any dꢁrect, ꢁndꢁrect,
conꢂequentꢁal, ꢁncꢁdental, ꢂpecꢁal, punꢁtꢁꢀe or any other damageꢂ ꢁn connectꢁon wꢁth the purchaꢂe, uꢂe or handlꢁng of
thꢁꢂ product.
Hollywood Racks
12812 South Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90061 USA
Tel (310) 516-8600
Fax (310) 516-8955
Customer Service Hours: M-F 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
Made in Taiwan
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