Kit Number 05177NOS
P/N A5177-SNOS
Never drop or violently strike the bottle. Doing so may result in an explosive bottle failure.
Never change pressure settings of safety relief valve on the nitrous bottle valve. Increasing the safety relief valve
pressure settings may create an explosive bottle hazard.
Identify the gas content by the NOS label on the bottle before using. If the bottle is not identified to show the gas
contained, return the bottle to the supplier.
Do not deface or remove any markings, which are on the nitrous bottle.
Nitrous bottle valves should always be closed when the system is not being used.
Notify the supplier of any condition, which might have permitted any foreign matter to enter the valve or bottle.
Keep the valves closed on all empty bottles to prevent accidental contamination.
After storage, open the nitrous bottle valve for an instant to clear the opening of any possible dust or dirt.
It is important that all threads on the valves and solenoids are properly mated. Never force connections that do not fit
WHAT IS NITROUS OXIDE?.......................................................................................................5
Do’s and Don’ts of Nitrous Oxide..............................................................................................5
Chapter 1 Introduction to your NOS Nitrous Oxide Kit ..........................................................5
1.1 General Information..........................................................................................................5
1.2 System Requirements ......................................................................................................6
1.3 Kit Components ................................................................................................................6
Chapter 2 Kit Installation ..........................................................................................................7
2.1 Bottle Mounting Instructions ...........................................................................................7
2.1.1 Street Vehicles.............................................................................................................7
2.1.2 Racing Vehicles...........................................................................................................7
2.2 Bottle Orientation..............................................................................................................8
2.3 Bottle Installation..............................................................................................................8
2.4 Spray Nozzle Installation................................................................................................10
2.5 Solenoid Mounting..........................................................................................................11
2.6 Nitrous Feed Line Mounting...........................................................................................12
2.7 Solenoid/Nozzle Nitrous Line Connection....................................................................12
2.8 Electrical System Installation ........................................................................................12
2.9 Preparing for Operation..................................................................................................15
Chapter 3 Tuning Suggestions...............................................................................................15
Appendix A Troubleshooting Guide ......................................................................................15
Nitrous Oxide Accessories......................................................................................................16
…Is a cryogenic gas composed of nitrogen and oxygen molecules
…Is 36% oxygen by weight
…Is non-flammable by itself
…Is stored as a compressed liquid
…Exists in two grades—U.S.P. and Nitrous Plus:
U.S.P. is medical grade nitrous oxide; its common use is dental and veterinary anesthesia. It is also commonly used as a
propellant in canned whipped cream. U.S.P. is not available to the public.
Nitrous Plus differs from U.S.P. in that it contains trace amounts of sulphur dioxide added to prevent substance abuse.
Nitrous Plus is intended for automotive applications and is available for sale to the public
In automotive applications, Nitrous Plus and fuel are injected into the engine’s intake manifold, which produces the following
Lowers engine intake air temperature, producing a dense inlet charge.
Increases the oxygen content of the inlet charge (air is only 22 percent oxygen by weight).
Increases the rate at which combustion occurs in the engine’s cylinders.
Do’s and Don’ts of Nitrous Oxide
Read all instructions before attempting to install your NOS nitrous system.
Make sure your fuel delivery system is adequate for the nitrous jetting you have chosen. Inadequate fuel pressure or flow
will result in engine damage.
Use 14 gauge (minimum) wire when installing electrical system components.
Use high-quality connections at all electrical joints.
Use Teflon-based paste on pipe style fittings.
Make sure your engine and related components (ignition, carburetor, and driveline) are in proper working condition.
If nitrous is accidentally injected into the engine when it is not running, remove the engine coil wire, open the
throttle, and crank the engine 10 to 15 seconds before starting. Failure to do so can result in an explosive engine
Use your NOS nitrous system only at wide-open throttle and at engine speeds above 3000 RPM.
Install a proper engine to chassis ground. Failure to do so may result in an explosive failure of the main nitrous
supply line.
Use a high-quality fuel, as suggested in Chapter 3, Tuning Suggestions.
Engage your nitrous system with the engine off. Severe engine damage can occur.
Modify NOS nitrous systems (if you need a non-stock item, call NOS Technical Service for assistance)
Overtighten AN type fittings.
Use Teflon Tape on any pipe threads. Pieces of Teflon tape can break loose and become lodged in nitrous or fuel
solenoids or solenoid filters. Debris lodged in a nitrous or fuel solenoid can cause catastrophic engine failure.
Use sealant of any kind on AN type fittings.
Allow nitrous pressure to exceed 1100 psi. Excessive pressure can cause swelling or in extreme cases failure of the nitrous
solenoid plunger. Solenoid plungers are designed so that pressure-induced failures will prevent the valve from operating.
No leakage should occur with this type of failure.
Inhale nitrous oxide. Death due to suffocation can occur.
Allow nitrous oxide to come in contact with skin. Severe frostbite can occur.
Use octane boosters that contain methanol. Fuel solenoid failure may occur, producing severe engine damage.
Chapter 1 Introduction to your NOS Nitrous Oxide Kit
1.1 General Information
Kit Number 05177NOS is intended for use on 1998 and up GM LS-1 Camaro/Firebird engines. Kit Number 05177NOS flows
fuel through the factory GM fuel injectors. Necessary fuel flow is accomplished by nitrous flowing through the mass air flow
sensor, which detects the cold dense air and adds the additional fuel as needed.
1.2 System Requirements
When used correctly, Kit Number 05177NOS will work with stock LS-1 internal engine components. To ensure proper
performance and driveline longevity, the following is suggested:
Automatic Transmissions
If the vehicle is to be exposed to severe operating conditions, such as dragstrip use, a reputable high performance
transmission shop should service the automatic transmission.
Manual Transmissions
If the vehicle is to be exposed to severe operating conditions, such as dragstrip use, the standard GM clutch should be
replaced with a high performance unit.
1.3 Kit Components
Before beginning the installation of your NOS kit, compare the components in your kit with those shown in Figure 1, and listed in
Table 1. If any components are missing, please contact NOS Technical Service at 1-866-GOHOLLEY.
Table 1 Kit Number 05177NOS Parts List
Bottle 15 lb.
Bottle Valve Adapter (4AN)
Bottle Valve Washer
Bottle Bracket Set
Blow-Down Tube
Nitrous Spray Nozzle Adapter
Nitrous Spray Nozzle Adapter Nut
LS-1 Spray Nozzle
Nitrous Solenoid
Nitrous Solenoid TEE
Solenoid Mounting Bracket
4AN Nitrous Filter Fitting
1/8” NPT Plug (Blue)
90°Adapter 3AN x 1/8 NPT
3AN Swivel TEE
3AN x 90°14” Hose (Blue)
Jet Assortment
2 ea.
Fuel Pressure Switch
4AN Female x 1/8 NPT Female Swivel
Wire Pack
Main N2O Feed Line 4 AN 18 ft.
Arming Switch
30 AMP Relay**
*Includes Bracket and Screws.
**Includes Relay Harness.
*** Included in Wire Pack.
Figure 1 Kit Number 05177NOS Components
Chapter 2 Kit Installation
2.1 Bottle Mounting Instructions
NOTE: Disconnect the battery ground before beginning installation.
2.1.1 Street Vehicles
Accurate calibration of your NOS nitrous system depends on the bottle remaining at a stable temperature. Mount the bottle
away from heat sources, such as the engine compartment or exhaust system, and away from windows, where the bottle is
exposed to direct sunlight. In vehicles such as Camaros and Firebirds, it is impractical to mount the bottle away from direct
sunlight. In these cases, the bottle should be covered or insulated, such as with an NOS bottle blanket.
NOS recommends that the bottle be environmentally separated from the driver’s compartment. Vehicles such as Camaros and
Firebirds do not have separate trunk compartments, so this kit includes an external blow-down tube. The safety blow-down tube
should be routed to the exterior of the vehicle (preferably under the vehicle). This procedure will prevent filling the driver’s
compartment with a cloud of nitrous oxide if the safety pressure relief cap should happen to rupture for any reason.
2.1.2 Racing Vehicles
Before mounting a nitrous bottle in a racing vehicle intended for use in sanctioned events, check with the sanctioning
association for any rules regarding this subject. Most associations require the bottle to be mounted within the confines of the
safety roll cage, with the safety pressure relief cap vented away from the driver’s compartment.
2.2 Bottle Orientation
Bottle placement is critical to the performance of your NOS nitrous system. It is important to understand how the bottle valve
and siphon tube are assembled to properly orient the bottle in your vehicle and ensure that it picks up liquid nitrous while
undergoing acceleration. All NOS nitrous bottles are assembled so that the bottom of the siphon tube is at the bottom of the
bottle and opposite the bottle label (Figure 2).
Whenever the bottle is mounted in a lay-down position, the valve handle must be towards the front of the vehicle with the label
facing up (Figure 3A).
If the bottle is mounted vertically, the valve handle and label must face toward the front of the vehicle (Figure 3B). This
orientation will position the siphon tube at the back of the bottle where the liquid N2O will be during acceleration.
WARNING! DO NOT attempt to remove the siphon tube without completely emptying the bottle of all nitrous and
A bottle mounted upside-down must have the siphon tube removed before use (Figure 3C). Non-siphon bottles can be specially
ordered from NOS. If the bottle must be mounted parallel to the axles of the vehicle (sideways), the valve handle and label must
be angled at approximately 45°toward the front of the vehicle (Figure 3D). This orientation will position the siphon tube toward
the rear of the bottle.
NOTE: When using a bottle with a siphon tube, the tall bracket should be at the valve end of the bottle and the short bracket at
the bottom (Figure 3E).
The most efficient mounting is the lay-down position (Figure 3A) with the valve handle toward the front of the vehicle. This
position allows the greatest amount of liquid to be used before the siphon tube begins to pick up gaseous nitrous oxide.
Figure 2 Nitrous Bottle Siphon Tube Orientation
Figure 3 Nitrous Bottle Mounting Orientations
2.3 Bottle Installation
After you have determined the location and orientation of the nitrous bottle, use the following procedure to install the bottle:
NOTE: Numbers in parentheses ( ) refer to the parts list /assembly drawing number for the component (Figure 1). Figure 4
shows the installation assembly for Kit Number 05177NOS.
1. Install the bottle nut adapter (2) and washer (3) on the nitrous bottle (1), and tighten securely.
2. Loosely install the bottle mounting brackets (4) and the vent tube (5) on the nitrous bottle.
3. Locate the bottle assembly in the desired mounting location, ensuring that the location will provide easy access to the bottle
valve, hose connection, and bracket clamp bolts to facilitate bottle changing.
Figure 4 Kit Number 05177NOS Assembly Drawing
Figure 4A Kit Number 05177NOS Installed
4. Use the assembled bottle/bracket/blow-down tube unit as a pattern to mark for hole drilling. Drill four 5/16” holes for the
bottle bracket bolts, a 1/2” hole for the blow-down tube, and an 11/16” hole for the nitrous supply tube.
5. Mount the brackets securely to the surface (recommended minimum of 5/16” bolts).
6. Tighten the bracket clamps on the bottle.
2.4 Spray Nozzle Installation
1. Remove the upper airbox cover.
CAUTION: Debris from drilling can severely damage the engine. When drilling the spray nozzle hole, position the rag
carefully to prevent debris from contaminating your engine.
2. Measure from the back of the airbox on each side about 3”, noting the location of the ribs on the inside of the airbox. Drill a
7/16” hole on each side. See Figure 5.
3. From the inside of the upper airbox, insert a Nitrous Spray Nozzle Adapter (6) into each of the holes previously drilled. See
Figure 6.
CAUTION: Severe engine damage can occur if the spray adapter/nozzle assembly works loose from the air inlet duct.
Ensure that the nitrous spray nozzle is securely tightened in the inlet duct.
4. Using Loctite or a similar thread-locking compound on the threads, install the Spray Nozzle Adapter nuts (7) on the outside
of the airbox.
5. Install the Spray Nozzles (8) into the nozzle adapters, using Teflon past. Orient the spray nozzles to face the intake.
6. Remove all debris from the airbox before reinstallation.
Figure 5 Location of Spray Nozzle Holes in Airbox
Figure 6 Spray Nozzle Assembly
2.5 Solenoid Mounting
Use the following procedure to install the nitrous solenoids.
CAUTION: Do not overtighten the vise in the following procedure, or the solenoid will be damaged.
NOTE: Apply Teflon-based paste to all pipe fittings before assembling the solenoids and regulator.
1. Install a 1/8” NPT Plug (13) into the Solenoid TEE (10) open port.
2. Clamp one nitrous solenoid (9) in a bench vise.
3. Thread one side of the solenoid TEE into the outlet port.
4. Thread the open side of the solenoid TEE into the inlet port of the second nitrous solenoid. Rotate the second solenoid, so
that it is parallel to the first.
5. Line up the bolt holes on both solenoids with the holes in the solenoid bracket (11).
6. Thread the 3AN x 90°fitting (14) into the second nitrous solenoid outlet port orienting it as per Figure 7.
7. Install the 3AN swivel TEE (15) onto the outlet of the 3AN x 90°fitting (14).
8. Install the Nitrous Filter Fitting (12) in the primary nitrous solenoid inlet port.
9. Attach the nitrous solenoid assembly using the existing hole in the radiator core support closest to the center of the vehicle
using the self-tapping bolt provided. (See Figure 4A).
Figure 7 Solenoid Assembly
2.6 Nitrous Feed Line Mounting
HINT: Following the fuel lines along the left side of the vehicle and entering the engine bay near the master cylinder works well.
1. Determine the route for your nitrous feed line to follow. Ensure the path is clear of exhaust system, suspension, steering,
wheels, electrical lines and components, and tires.
2. Feed the main nitrous supply line (21) along the proposed route.
3. If it is necessary to support the nitrous supply line under the vehicle, use 1/2” Tinnerman clamps or nylon tie-wraps to
support the line securely.
4. Attach the nitrous supply line to the nitrous bottle valve adapter (2).
WARNING: Nitrous oxide is dangerous to humans if inhaled or comes in contact with the skin. Always point the
nitrous line opening away from people when purging the line.
5. Purge the nitrous supply line.
A. Wrap the end of the nitrous line with a rag and hold securely.
B. Point the opening away from people.
C. Briefly open the bottle valve.
6. Attach the nitrous supply line to the nitrous filter fitting.
2.7 Solenoid/Nozzle Nitrous Line Connection
1. Place the desired jet (17) in each nozzle inlet. See Chapter 3 for tuning suggestions.
2. Connect the straight end of the two 14” x 3AN Hoses (16) to the TEE at the outlet of the nitrous solenoids.
3. Connect the other end of the hoses to the nozzles.
2.8 Electrical System Installation
Use the following procedure and refer to Figures 8 for the electrical system installation.
WARNING! Death or injury may occur from working on a charged electrical system.
1. Disconnect the car battery.
Figure 8 Wiring Schematic
WARNING: Be careful when removing the fuel rail test port fitting. The fuel rail may be pressurized. Always allow the
engine to cool before performing this operation. Fuel sprayed onto hot engine components may start a fire.
2. Remove the cap over the fuel rail test port on the front of the driver’s side fuel rail.
3. Bleed off the fuel pressure in the rail by covering the test port with rags and depressing the schraeder valve.
4. Remove the schraeder valve with a valve core tool.
5. Install the fuel safety switch on the test port using the 4AN x 1/8” NPT Female Adapter (19).
6. Install the microswitch (22) on the throttle body, so that the microswitch is triggered by the throttle linkage at wide-open
throttle. Figure 9 shows the microswitch installation and Figure 10 shows the suggested mounting configuration.
Figure 9 Microswitch Template—Suggest Mounting Configuration
NOTE: The microswitch may be mounted to the bracket in a variety of positions and on either side of the bracket. The bracket
may be bent to suit the application.
WARNING: Binding or dragging of the throttle linkage will create a potentially dangerous stuck-throttle condition.
Ensure that the microswitch does not interfere with the normal throttle linkage operation.
7. Adjust the microswitch to trigger at wide-open throttle, by adjusting the microswitch’s position to ensure the actuation arm of
the microswitch “clicks” at the same point the throttle linkage reaches wide-open throttle against the throttle stop (Figure 9).
Ensure the throttle and switch can reach activation position shown in Figure 9 by using the accelerator pedal. Have an
assistant slowly press the pedal to the floor while you listen for the “click” of the microswitch.
8. Install the NOS arming switch (23) inside the car, within easy reach of the driver.
9. Install the 30 amp Relay (24) in the engine compartment near the battery. The relay’s orange wire should reach the battery
(+) terminal.
10. Connect the orange relay wire to the battery (+) terminal.
11. Connect one wire from each solenoid together. Join the solenoid wires to the blue relay wire.
12. Connect the open second solenoid wire to either terminal on the fuel pressure switch (18).
13. Connect the open terminal on the fuel pressure switch to the ground.
14. Connect the green relay wire to either terminal on the microswitch.
15. Connect the open terminal on the microswitch to the ground.
16. Connect the red relay wire to the middle (#2) terminal on the arming switch (23).
17. Connect the (#1) terminal on the arming switch to the switched 12 volt power source.
18. Connect the (#3) terminal of the arming switch to the ground.
19. Reconnect the battery.
Figure 10 Microswitch Mounting Location—shown at idle.
Figure 11 Microswitch Mounting Location—shown at W.O.T.
2.9 Preparing for Operation
1. Start the vehicle.
2. Open the nitrous bottle valve. There should be no change in the engine idle speed or exhaust tone. If either change is
noted, refer to Appendix A, Troubleshooting Guide.
3. Inspect the nitrous lines and fittings for leaks.
4. ENJOY!!!
Chapter 3 Tuning Suggestions
Your NOS Kit Number 05177NOS is factory set to work with stock engine settings. For maximum performance, follow the
settings listed in Table 2.
Table 2 Tuning Suggestions for NOS Kit Number 05177NOS
N2O Jetting
Fuel Quality
92+ Octane
92+ Octane
92+ Octane
Ignition Timing
Appendix A Troubleshooting Guide
The troubleshooting chart on the following pages should help determine and rectify most problems with your installed NOS
system. If you still need assistance determining or fixing problems, call the NOS Technical Support at 1-866-GOHOLLEY.
Engine runs rich when
system is activated.
Bottle valve not fully opened. Check bottle valve.
Open valve fully.
Plugged nitrous filter.
Low bottle pressure.
Inspect filter.
Check bottle temperature.
Clean/replace filter.
Set bottle temperature to 75°
to 85°F.*
Inadequate nitrous supply.
Loose nitrous solenoid
Weigh bottle.
Inspect the solenoid wiring.
Fill bottle. 1-800-99-REFILL
Repair wiring.
Malfunctioning solenoid.
Disconnect solenoid/injector plug .
Connect 12V test light to battery (-)
terminal. Turn arming switch ON.
Manually set microswitch ON. Use
Replace solenoid.
*Below 70°F ambient, NOS
Bottle Heater #14164 is
test light probe to check for continuity recommended to maximize
at blue wire on power relay.
Check bottle valve.
Check fuse.
No change in
performance when
system is activated.
Bottle valve closed.
In-line fuse blown.
Plugged nitrous filter.
System wired incorrectly.
Loose ground wire(s).
Open valve fully.
Replace fuse.
Clean/replace filter.
Inspect filter.
Compare nitrous wiring to schematic. Wire system per instructions.
Connect 12V test light to battery (+)
terminal. Check for continuity at
grounds noted in schematic.
Turn arming switch ON. Connect
12V test light to battery (-) terminal.
Check for power at red wire on power
relay switch.
Tighten/repair loose grounds.
Malfunctioning arming
Replace arming switch.
Malfunctioning throttle
Temporarily disconnect power relay
green wire from microswitch.
Connect 12V test light to battery (+)
terminal. Manually set microswitch
ON. Check for continuity at open
terminal of microswitch (See wiring
Replace throttle microswitch.
Engine detonates
mildly when system is
Excessive ignition timing.
Inadequate octane fuel.
Spark plug heat range too
Check ignition timing.
Set timing to factory settings.
Use higher octane fuel.
Reduce spark plug heat
range (maximum two steps).
Too much nitrous flow.
Inadequate fuel delivery due Inspect fuel filter.
to: Plugged fuel filter
Reduce nitrous jetting.
Clean or replace filter.
Engine detonates
heavily when system is
Crimped fuel line.
Weak fuel pump.
Inspect fuel line.
Replace crimped line.
Repair/replace fuel pump.
Install fuel pressure gauge, such as
NOS P/N 15931NOS in the fuel line.
Run engine under load at wide-open
throttle, with system activated.
Inspect spark plugs.
High RPM misfire
when system is
Excessive spark plug gap.
Set spark plug gap at 0.030
to 0.035 inches.
Replace worn components.
Weak ignition/ignition
component failure.
Inadequate supply of
Inspect components (plug wires,
distributor cap, etc.)
Check bottle weight.
Surges under
acceleration when
system is activated.
Replace with full bottle.
Bottle mounted incorrectly.
Compare bottle position and
orientation to instructions.
Mount or orient bottle
Nitrous Oxide Accessories
NOS systems are calibrated for optimum performance with a bottle pressure of 900-950 psi. The pressure will change with
temperature. Heater kits are thermostatically controlled to keep the bottle near 85°F to provide correct pressure. Bottle Heater
(P/N 14164NOS) is available for 10 & 15 lb. bottles.
Insulating the bottle helps maintain pressure by keeping heat in the bottle when it’s cold, or heat out when it’s hot outside. The
blankets are made of a rugged, easily cleaned Nylon outer shell with insulation. It’s also an excellent “dress up” accessory and
perfect for “covering” battle-scarred bottles. Bottle Blanket (P/N 14167NOS) is the blanket for the 15 lb. bottle.
P/N 14164NOS
P/N 14167NOS
The Throttle/RPM-Activated Switch (P/N 15879NOS) allows hands-free nitrous operation and prevents nitrous from being
injected at speeds above or below operator-set levels. It greatly reduces the chance of accidental engine damage. The
ON/OFF levels adjust from 2000 to 9000 RPM. NOTE: P/N 15879NOS is not designed to work on vehicles with distributor-less
ignition systems. Call NOS Technical Support for the right RPM-Activated switch for your particular vehicle.
The Remote Bottle Valve (call NOS tech for P/N) is the perfect convenience accessory—it electronically turns the nitrous
bottle on and off with the flick of a switch—no more trips to the trunk. It is also great as a safety shut-off valve. It operates on
12V DC. The complete kit includes hardware and installation instructions.
P/N 15879NOS
P/N varies
The primary purpose of a Purge Valve (P/N 16030NOS) is to release trapped air or gaseous nitrous from the feed line(s). This
helps to ensure consistent performances. And, purging looks cool too!
Nitrous Pressure Gauges (P/N 15910NOS) measure from 0-1500 psi (although recommended level is 900-950 psi) and are
essential in monitoring the bottle.
The Quick Release Hinged Aluminum Bracket (P/N 14140NOS) is available for 10 lb. and 15 lb. bottles. P/N 14147NOS is
available for the carbon fiber bottle.
P/N 16030NOS
P/N 15910NOS
P/N 14140NOS
For those who want the ultimate in appearance, NOS offers many popular bottles that are fully polished. P/N 14750-PNOS is
our 15 lb. fully polished bottle.
For optimum weight reduction and distinctive high-tech looks, these DOT-approved NOS carbon fiber-wrapped bottles are it!
Weighs about half of the standard bottle (empty). P/N 14747NOS has 12.5 lb. capacity.
P/N 14750-PNOS
To order, contact your local NOS dealer.
P/N 14747NOS
NOS Technical Support
Phone: 1-270-781-9741
Toll-Phone: 1-866-GOHOLLEY
Fax: 1-270-781-9772
For online help, please check the Tech
Service section of our website:
Date: 7-2-07
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